5 Ways Seafood Benefits from Food Preservation Technology
It is estimated that between 27% and 39% of all fish caught globally each year ends up going to waste. That is an astounding figure – on average a third of this entire resource that is harvested ends up not being used. While there are a number of reasons that contribute to this wastage, including poor fishing practices and insufficient supply chains, one significant contributor is the fact that fish and other seafood have a very short shelf life if preservation precautions are not taken. It is only because of this type of method and technology that we are able to package, store, and distribute this type of food.
Initially, we were dependent on methods such as freezing, drying, smoking, or salting food to help preserve it. Considering the distances that food needs to travel and the storage requirements to ensure food security, these measures often fall short. Fortunately, the advancement of seafood preservation technology has allowed us to overcome many of these obstacles.
Here are five of the most common ways seafood preservation technology allows us to extend the lifespan of these food types:
- Biotic Factors
Bacteria is a regular part of practically every type of biome. Some bacteria and microbiological agents present in the environment lead to the decay of seafood. In order to remove or delay these risks of decay, preservation technology such as TQI C2000/S removes superficial bacteria from all fish species, allowing them to stay unspoiled for longer.
- Changes to Taste
Apart from protecting consumers against potential illnesses, another vital reason to control or eliminate the environmental bacteria is to preserve the taste. Fresh seafood is delicious, but soon loses its flavour and takes on an unpleasant taste. Preservation technology helps to maintain an edible and desirable flavour.
- Changes to Texture
A popular characteristic of freshly caught fish is the firmness of the flesh. This firmness can quickly and easily be determined simply by touching the fish, and is easily noticeable upon eating the fish as well. Handling, storage, and certain bacteria can all cause the flesh to turn soft or “mushy”. Seafood preservation technology has made a number of substances available to assist in preserving the texture to increase the shelf life.
- Discolouration
As the flesh of fish loses quality and/or is exposed to certain environmental factors, it tends to change colour. Certain factors lead to the exterior parts to take on a translucent appearance. Other factors, such as oxidation, can lead to a yellow discolouration in certain fish. These discolourations are not appealing and are considered unfit for sale. Several substances exist to preserve the colour of fish during storage.
- Odour Changes
The sense of smell is as important as the sense of taste when eating. Furthermore, we have become accustomed to associate bad smells with off food, as a safety mechanism. Seafood can quickly take on a foul odour if microbial agents present are not eliminated.
Tequisa is the leader in seafood preservation technology and boasts a range of products that can assist you with all the issues mentioned above, and more. To find out more, get in touch with our team.